Philosophical Dialogues in Kaos
Welcome to the Home of the Vortex of Chaos This bizarre dimension ignores the laws of physics. Atoms fall like drops of rain through...
Philosophical Dialogues in Kaos
Arts @ Degrowth ESEE Conference 2024
Arts-based research & commoning
we must cultivate our garden?
Myths about Fascism debunked
Diary, week with a snail
Sisyphus, Science & Carbon Removal
Nuclear bee hives
My paintings, sea-slugs & post-development theory
Windpower, relationships and sausages
Vertical Taxis. The future?
Eiffel Tower Economy
Post-doct @ Prospera: 'Imagine a New Society'
Kandinsky and the Circular Economy
The Degrowth City?
Can we talk about Fascism today?
Cities as Palimpsests?
Development and utopia
Diversify your cake